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Information for Academic Visitors

The Seminar of Ancient History and Epigraphy traditionally cooperates with various universities and research institutions worldwide, in, for instance, Great Britain, France, Italy, Spain, and the US. We are therefore always open to academic visitors, providing them with a workplace in our library as well as enabling them to use the resources of the Seminar. 

In this way, many academic visitors have already been able to fruitfully advance their research.

Das Bild zeigt das Inschriftenzimmer des SAGE. In der Mitte die Tische zum Arbeiten, an der Wand Reihen von Bücherregalen.


The Heidelberg University Library one of the largest university collections in Germany and Europe, contains well over 6,000,000 volumes. Classics students have the possibility to consult holdings in the Seminar of Ancient History and Epigraphy, the Institute of Classical and Byzantine Archaeology , the Seminar of Classical Philology  or the University Library.
The Reading Room of the Seminar of Ancient History and Epigraphy contains over 40,000 books and periodicals dealing with the ancient world, a full collection of Greek and Latin texts and commentaries, epigraphical collections, other basic resources, as well as comfortable places to work and study with other classicists.
Books not in the University system can generally be obtained quickly through interlibrary loan from the collections of other university libraries from Germany. The databases of the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae, the Library of Latin Texts, and several other electronic databases useful to the study of the Classics are accessible over the campus network.
Classicists who want to use the Library of the Seminar of Ancient History and Epigraphy must apply for a guest account at the office of our secretary.


Opening Hours of our Library


10:00 - 16:00 Uhr
10:00 - 16:00 Uhr
10:00 - 16:00 Uhr
10:00 - 16:00 Uhr
gesondert am Dienstag, 08.04.2025
geschlossen wegen Revision

Research Colloquium

Colloquia take place on Wednesdays in our building (Kollegiengebäude), HS 406 at 6:15 p.m. Our colloquium series reflects the diverse research interests and pursuits of the seminar. You can find the current program .
To get up-to-date announcements about upcoming colloquia, please subscribe to the Colloquium Mailing-List by contacting our secretary, Juliane Keitel.

Housing at the University of Heidelberg

There is an affordable and convenient possibility for accommodation at the University Guest Houses. However, due to the high request, we strongly suggest to do the booking arrangements at least four months prior to the arrival date in Heidelberg. In addition, the university offers visiting scholars a of private accommodation.