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Erasmus Incoming Information for Incoming Erasmus-Students

A warm welcome to Heidelberg!

The Department of Ancient History and Epigraphy at Heidelberg University is not only one of the oldest, but also one of the most renowned institutes of ancient history worldwide. An Erasmus stay with us enables you to broaden your horizons and further your personal and academic development thanks to the excellent academic environment for research and teaching.

Erasmus students can benefit from a wide range of courses each semester. Research focuses on Latin and Greek epigraphy and the epigraphic cultures of the ancient Mediterranean, late antiquity, the political, social and religious history of classical Greece, ancient Jewish history, the Roman imperial period and urban history in antiquity. The course catalogue of the Seminar for Ancient History and Epigraphy (Vorlesungsverzeichnis) can be downloaded here. In addition, courses from the other classical departments of Heidelberg University, as well as other departments of the university, can also be attended. For courses offered by other classical departments within the Heidelberg Center for Ancient Studies (Zentrum für Altertumswissenschaften, ZAW), please consult the websites of each institution.

Since many courses are regularly taught in German, Erasmus students should have a good command of German in both speaking and writing. In addition to regular classes, Erasmus students can take German language classes at the International Study Center (Internationales Studienzentrum, ISZ).

Additional information for incoming Erasmus students at the University of Heidelberg, concerning topics such as housing, insurance and registration, is provided by the ERASMUS Incoming Office.

For further information, please contact the Erasmus-officer of the Seminar of Ancient History and Epigraphy, Christopher Decker, M.A.