Information for Prospective StudentsMaster of Arts in Ancient History

The Department of Ancient History

The Department of Ancient History and Epigraphy in Heidelberg offers the best conditions for a Master's degree in Ancient History. Located in the heart of Heidelberg's romantic old town, it has an excellently equipped ancient history library with 40,000 volumes of research literature, journals and source editions covering all major areas of ancient history. Almost all important publication series are also accessible online. The volume of publications in the field of Greek and Latin epigraphy is unique in Germany and forms the basis for the sound basic academic training here in Heidelberg. Together with the neighboring libraries from the Center for Classical Studies (Zentrum für Altertumswissenschaften/ZAW), we have an internationally outstanding collection of literature that attracts visiting scholars and students from Germany and abroad - just one floor away are the equally well-equipped libraries of the Institute of Classical and Byzantine Archaeology and the Department of Classical Philology; within walking distance is the University Library with its special collection 'Archaeology'.


Kamee mit Nero.

Why Study at Heidelberg?

The unique opportunities that characterize the study of Ancient History in Heidelberg include, firstly, the diversity of the teaching offered, which covers the history of antiquity and the academic approaches to it in all its breadth. Secondly, intensive source work as well as basic scientific training are particularly important to us in Heidelberg. Learning how to deal with ancient inscriptions, but also with papyri and coins in the original languages is therefore a central part of the course, where interdisciplinary networking with neighboring disciplines from the classical studies also plays a major role. Research projects such as Attic Inscriptions in Delphi or NumiScience specifically involve advanced students and give them the opportunity to put their skills to the test - combined with the online publication of the results. At the same time, they gain initial experience of working on a research project. 

Hosting two professors and several other faculty members the Seminar of Ancient History and Epigraphy offers MA students a very personal academic experience. Our Oberseminare allow a student-faculty ratio of up to 1:2  allowing students to gain direct insight in our research and to profit from decades of experience.

In our Mittelseminare students get the opportunity to explore literary, numismatic and epigraphic sources first-hand in their original language under the supervision of our experienced faculty. Hence, the attainment of the Graecum is an obligatory and well integrated part of the curriculum.

International Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Environment

Our Ancient History department is located in the heart of Heidelberg with all neighboring disciplines in the same building. On four floors, the Department of Ancient History is not only adjacent to archeology, classic philology, Byzantine studies, Assyrian Studies and Egyptology but also to the auxiliary sciences numismatics, papyrology and epigraphy. This proximity enables our scientists to work closely together and allows our students to explore neighboring disciplines as part of their MA in Ancient History.

Besides our numerous international contacts and faculty, the department of Ancient History entertains several exchange agreements with universities in Europe. Giving students the chance to go abroad during their Master’s and offering them impressions of international research in Ancient History is another integral part of a Heidelberg University education. 



The Department of Ancient History and Epigraphy offers you the best conditions for a comprehensive and intensive study of ancient history in all its breadth. As a graduate, you will acquire the ability to think critically and reflectively in historical categories and contexts as well as knowledge of selected specialist areas. In addition, you will gain in-depth knowledge of ancient history source work and editing, and will be able to develop and carry out your own research projects under professional supervision. This will also enable you to work at non-university research, educational, and cultural institutions. The comprehensive course of study, the critical examination of sources and research literature as well as the ability to self-reflect also enable graduates to enter non-academic and non-university professional fields such as journalism, management consultancy, public cultural work or the civil service.

Aspiring candidates will encounter a varied yet high quality research profile that covers diverse periods of antiquity. Professor Witschel generally focusses his research on late antiquity, Roman social and economic history, Latin epigraphy, imperial representation, as well as, oriental cults in the Roman Empire. Professor Trampedach, on the other hand, mainly concentrates on political anthropology, Greek philosophy and religious history, Judaism in Hellenic and Roman times, and lastly, Political Rituals and hagiography in late antiquity.

Das Bild zeigt das Schatzhaus der Athener in Delphi.